This fear could be bigger than the fear of public speaking

av equipement
a microphone only magnifies the mistakes, or successes


fear of speaking
everyone expects the speaker to be smart and funny… all eyes critiquing every word and move


This fear could be bigger than the fear of public speaking. The fear of thinking for ourselves. Why?

Because every mistake we make falls directly on us. If we follow other people’s thinking, if mistakes are made, we can dodge any personal blame.

This month jeff noel is challenging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. To navigate instantly from this mental attitude blog to his physical health blog, click -> go to Next Blog

Every Blogger Is Afraid Of This

Jack the bear goes everywhere I go. Maybe my Son could do more traveling too.

Every blogger fears rejection at some point. Wait, every person fears rejection at some point. What if we ask a question and no one answers? Or the answer isn’t what we expected? Then what?

Insight: The best way to find things out is to try things. Like this post.

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