Writing began, and continues, one single, solitary day at a time

Apple Watch Mickey Mouse screen shot
So unimportant to call out a single, ordinary day – yesterday was Monday, November 23, 2015.


Dear Son, i often end emails and social media private messages with this challenge, “Be amazed and be amazing.”

At the completion of the first day of a self-imposed 100-day writing challenge which began April Fools Day 2009, i had five blog posts. On April 2 i wrote five more. That’s how it all began. And that’s how it continues – one single, solitary day at a time.

Believe it or not, i was amazed that i actually did what i said i was gonna do. That’s the surest way to be amazed and be amazing.




This website is about our mental attitude. To leave this site to read today’s post on my physical health website, click here.

The virtues of focus and discipline are not self-evident

Attitudes salon in Valparaiso
A divine sign near the beginning of yesterday’s run. Attitude IS everything.


Up early.

Three morning prayers.

Write five blogs.

Go for a run.

Meet friends, and fellow business owners, for breakfast.

Tour their facilities.

Two flights to get home.

Some texts with encouraging news about future business with two different clients.

Conversation with fellow passenger which may lead to future business.

Ice cream at Twistee Treat drive thru for dinner on the drive home.

Catch up with wife and son.


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Each day is a clean slate

WPS track
yesterday morning before sunrise.


Each day is a clean slate.

But our mornings are so busy that we don’t take time to get centered before we get going.

There are a few freaks who believe that balance must be the daily habit.

Never in a million years right?

Self-fulling prophecy got it’s name because it’s true.

But we can retrain our habits by rethinking our priorities.

For example, if you are not going to exercise today, it’s because you have intentionally thought through that today is a rest day.

Of course, there are rare, emergency circumstances that warrant not exercising on days that are not designated for rest. We should allow for about one every month or so.

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