What happened to us?

Graduate degree in Disney Customer Service


(photo: The opportunities to learn are informal and formal… and endless… to make learning an exciting adventure)

Back to school excitement is in the air.

We used to have it this time of year when we were that age – middle school.

What happened to us?

Never let your memories be bigger than your dreams.

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Always leading is a form of codependency

Close up of Bumble Bee on Daisy


(photo: Took a run near a park… caught a fairly rare photo… both of these required one thing – time)

The frail, elderly man in the wheelchair who can barely walk…. is he strong or weak?

The middle-aged men or women racing from one life activity to another… are they strong or weak?

How do we know for certain in either case?

Decided to keep it very casual this visit.

Don’t want every meeting to be predictable. You know… thinker, deliberate, driven, determined, etc.

And don’t want every meeting to be driven by the same person.

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Humbled by the mental aging process

Nursing Home welcome sign


(photo: Three days, two nights at the Nursing Home and Assisted Living facility)

Humbled by the mental aging process.

Spend one day in the Senior Living facility and adjacent Nursing home and you easily become overwhelmed with the choices we think we have as we age.

History shows that middle aged adults aren’t taking any of these choices seriously.

If attitude really is everything we’ve been led to believe it is….

Guess it’s up to us to manage it and ultimately, to prove it.

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How confident are we as we age on a scale of 1 – 10?

Mid Life Celebration the book
One pig built his house of stone – we all know the story.


The price, the source, the content, the format. Few things in life are so ridiculously underpriced and carry such a gentle and generous catalytic significance. Mid Life Celebration, the book, is one of them.

And few people will risk the misinterpretation of their boldness.


Who knows. Million reasons probably.

Someone said boldness has genius.

This challenges each one of us to respond with a yes or no.

And choosing not to decide is still a choice, a default no.

Seriously, we either say, “Hell yeah”, or we say no.


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