Just being real (authentic) here. People post photos of the dumbest stuff posed in the dumbest places. What I love about these “dumb mistakes” is how much the student stands to learn.
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Disney Leadership Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five interconnected sites.
Just being real (authentic) here. People post photos of the dumbest stuff posed in the dumbest places. What I love about these “dumb mistakes” is how much the student stands to learn.
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People who grow up learning things digitally versus the Baby Boomers who learned from a paper page or chalk board, have far less fear (none) and apprehension using social media.
Few Boomers lead the charge (didn’t say none). And if you’re a tech-savy Boomer, rock on. If you’re not, good luck with that – you have a huge learning curve to run from, or to.
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Friends sharing good times has always been a fabric of our lives. Baby Boomers can remember the parties, life events, and milestones from their memory. Plus there was always a person (with my friends/family it’s me) labeled shutterbug who captured the stuff on “film”.
Now, like the photo above, no film or paper is ever involved. No restricted viewers. Anything goes. It no longer matters, because everyone is doing it. It’s the new norm.
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Who we are at work and who we are at home are often two souls in the same Baby Boomer body. Why? For starters, Boomers have been conditioned to believe they must act a certain way at work. For all intents and purposes, they’re right. They are professionally representing their organization. No disagreement here.
What many Boomers haven’t kept up with is the drastically changing social norms brought on by social media. What was once restricted to our closest friends and family is now public knowledge accessible by anyone in the world, anytime.
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First of all for October, a Happy Birthday shout out to all the Cast Members at Walt Disney World. Today is Walt Disney World’s 40th birthday, 1971 -2011. Congratulations Mickey Mouse (and Minnie Mouse, and all the other beloved Disney Characters).
Boomers, can you remember your 40th birthday? Forty is the new 30. Fifty is the new 40. Whatever, right? Authenticity is the new currency, um, well, it’s nothing new – yet – because people are afraid of it. That’s where jeff noel comes in. He’s not.
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