The one thing jeff noel hides from normal, everyday conversation

jeff noel street
sure, it's Jefferson Street, but no one has to know (our secret, ok?)

The one thing jeff noel hides from normal, everyday conversation is this:

I wish no ill feelings to anyone. None. Period. If you read my blog about spiritual strength, you’ll clearly understand the only intent in any of Mid Life Celebration’s five blogs is to help others think, smile, and feel grateful.

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Want to know jeff noel’s clear, concise, and compelling work life balance vision?

be the change
this literally makes me nauseous (no offense to anyone) (show me the amazing results)

Want to know jeff noel’s clear, concise, and compelling work life balance vision? It’s profoundly simple…. simply profound. And it’s in the form of a yes or no question:

Do others hold you up as an example or a warning?

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PS. This ain’t rocket science. It could save a life.

We can not lead anyone further than we’ve gone…unless

wellness program gimmicks
price doesn't start people exercising, indomitable will does

We can not lead anyone further than we’ve gone…unless… unless we can create a clear, concise, and compelling vision.

I’ll bet the team that created those stairway posters are not balanced. It’s a hunch based on 53 years of creating a clear, concise and compelling vision for wellness and work life balance….

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Where the main problem lies with poor work life balance

take the stairs
the power of unpopular… and humor (ps. this isn’t my note)

The root of all poor work life balance is within ourselves. Our mental attitude, our physical wellbeing, our spiritual strength, our contribution to society, and our personal organization.

Tip or skew our longterm average energy output on any one of life’s five big choices and you can see how the math ends. Either really well, or not so. Therein lies our problem and our opportunity.

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