Do you know how many definitive elements work life balance involves?

ineffective corporate wellness programs
the people promoting this ought to be fired

Do you know how many definitive elements work life balance involves?

You have an answer for this right?

If you don’t, I’m embarrassed for you, like I was embarrassed for myself for 40 years.

If you do, be bold enough to stand and testify. Let your lifestyle be your “case study”.

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Note: Dare to be unpopular. It’s the gold-standard for breaking poor paradigms.

Midlife wellness and the pursuit of work life balance

wellness paradox
I'm convinced this will never work...because it never has

Midlife wellness and the pursuit of work life balance. It’s a myth, right? That’s what most people say, including “experts”, so it must be true.

This won’t come as a surprise… bulldukey! Life is driven by all five of life’s big choices. The coming days will be interesting… how do I say a lot without saying a lot?

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The photo: when was the last wellness success story you heard about this concept?

What we accept by default becomes our midlife standard

upper elementary school
upper elementary school "tadpoles"

What we accept by default becomes our midlife standard. Recently, a few online motivational gurus emphatically say “balance is a myth”. This makes me smile grin for a couple, but not all encompassing, reasons:

  • if you think it doesn’t exist, it won’t
  • if you think it does, it will
  • balance mirrors the snowflake theory, no two are the same
  • work life balance is not a constant
  • wellness is a moving, elusive target
  • become a world class hunter

Going on our Son’s three-day school field trip left me unbalanced physically, but way balanced spiritually. And so it goes…

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Midlife is really good

if Dogs could talk
if Dogs could talk... "can I come?"

Midlife is really good! Yesterday’s post revealed a 53 year wait for my first swimming pool. Pretty long time to wait, right? You’ve waited similarly. And maybe even as we speak, you’re waiting.

Later today, I can’t wait to hear:

  • Are we there yet?
  • How much longer?

Being an elementary school field trip chaperone (and van driver) is one of the crowning glories in my 53 years here. Do you have one that’s similarly “uneventful”?

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