Sorry for the slow load speed… GoDaddy fixed it, quickly

Sorry for the super slow speed the past two days. GoDaddy resolved the situation below in less than two hours.

GoDaddy is migrating Mid Life Celebration’s sites from shared hosting to web hosting. Been assured the slowness will be a distant memory in 24-72 hours. Thanks for riding out the glitch with me.

Once again, GoDaddy provided 24/7 world class customer service phone support (thanks Abby) and technical support. Repeat, world class.

Been a raving fan since 2008!

Happy Saturday and Happy Thanksgiving

Beach Jasmine

Happy Saturday and Happy Thanksgiving. It’s not often we think about Thanksgiving Day 90 days ahead. In fact, we probably never do, unless we’re going on a trip or hosting people who are. Nevertheless, we come to know the true meaning of Thanksgiving Day when we learn to celebrate it everyday.

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Should Midlife Adults Have A Nationwide Policy Of Personal Thanksgiving?

Should Midlife Adults Have A Nationwide Policy Of Personal Thanksgiving?

Chick-fil-A has a gutsy, longstanding policy to remain closed on Sundays, resisting the temptation to increase corporate earnings. Should midlife adults carry a policy of daily, moment-to-moment thanksgiving? Doing so would require us to resist many temptations for immediate gratification.

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Midlife Is Dictionary Defined As Middle Age

Midlife Is Dictionary Defined As Middle Age

Midlife is defined as middle age. That’s it? That’s all it is? jeff noel suggests it’s the seminal moment to reThink, rePrioritize and reCommit. As Baby Boomers, we get one, real, honest-to-goodness second chance at life. Midlife is that chance.

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