What Do You Want From Me?

Who's World Is It?
Who's World Is It?

Asking for advice is a funny thing. It may even be an addiction. As long as we keep asking for answers, does that give us some sick type of permission to avoid doing anything? Better to trust your own intuition and try things and learn what works and what doesn’t. Do more of what works and less of what doesn’t.

When everyone else is searching for answers, better to seek the right questions.

Once you ask the right questions, your answers will take care of themselves.

Quit waiting, and wanting, to be spoon fed.

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His Attitude Changed At 22

The Proverbial Lightbulb Went Off
The Proverbial Lightbulb Went Off

People come and people go. It happens all day, every day. I was talking to Jacob, the cab driver from Friday’s post, and continued asking him questions about his Family and business. What struck me was how rapidly his son’s attitude changed.

I asked, “What was it that so dramatically changed him into being completely interested in helping you run your business?”

Jacob said it was when he told his son the story about being smart and being wise. His son’s friend is very smart and works in IT for a computer business. So Jacob asked his son who is wise, the smart friend or the guy who owns the business?

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Mind, Brain Training

If anything can go well, it will.

Sure beats the tried and true opposite, doesn’t? Don’t even need to tell you, your mind automatically knows which phrase is exactly opposite.

New studies and evidence discard the old brain thinking dogma. That the brain is hard-wired. It can not be changed or altered.

Sunday’s at Mid Life Celebration are known as “Lorie Sheffer Day”, our faithful, funny, an insightful guest blogger.

She sent me two interesting links that I feel compelled to share with you:

  1. TIME article
  2. Book on Amazon

It’s An Attitude Thing

What's Your Reality?
What's Your Reality?

And at midlife, we should be amply equipped to have a great attitude. But there’s a very real, and constant danger to get sucked in. Sucked in to the negativity that weakness and insecurity foster.


But there is another (obvious) option, thanks to Buckminster Fuller (and our own intuition):

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

Sharing that now makes me wonder if you’ve never thought of yourself as athletic (active), maybe you’ve just been fighting an existing reality.

You’re Lucky To Have A Job

The other day I overheard a lunch conversation about how sick people are of hearing from their employers (for the past decade), “You are lucky to have a job!”

It’s true. People are sick of it.

It’s true. The employers are right.

Be the last to lose a contagiously positive attitude, and be the first to regain it.

Things will eventually get better.

Meanwhile, I’d like to offer a 3rd option.

Never lose it and continue to be the change you wish to see in others.

(scroll down or travel to Lane 8 )