Post Op Day 21, mind

12-second video: Today. October 6, 2023…8:00 AM.
High Mountain Lake
Jody Maberry texted this photo yesterday. That’s me lower right. Longest hike in 50 years of visits…15 miles. Wondering if future visits will be one-eye or two-eye sighted. Btw, that’s the Continental Divide.

You will excel at world-class customer service when you excel at being a world-class customer.


In sharing the Disney Compass this morning to the office manager, it dawned on me…

When you not only know your customer but understand them, you tee up “surprise and delight”.

Surprise and delight is the bull’s-eye for creating “wow“!

Anyone can create it for anyone.

Why the customer service world hasn’t embedded this as a non-negotiable is beyond my comprehension.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Post Op Day 20, mind

Apple Watch message from Apple
Never owned a new car. Not to save money although you do. And yet i’m always wanting THE most excellent work tool. Not trying to spend frivolously although it may seem so. Ps. The green medical bracelet comes off in mid-November.

Know what indulgence you can justify.


For the first time since 2009 i seriously considered passing on the newest iPhone.

After thoughtful consideration, it got ordered.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Palm trees and sunshine

Palm tree trimming crew
The middle tree is too high for the landscape company’s ladder to reach.

You only get better at anything through practice. BFO, eh?


Practiced surrendering yesterday. Big time. Surrendering is growth mindset.

Having high standards and being a known loyal customer to the owner doesn’t always translate to the staff.

One of my great opportunities is being supremely patient in these situations.

Got a C-grade until 10am (the first hour).

Got to practice (on my own, alone) for a couple hours.

Aced it after 2pm.

Kinda a longish story so stopping here.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Categorized as Quotes Tagged

Gardening mindset

Yesterday morning. Glacier National Park’s St Mary Visitor’s Center webcam screenshot. Captured this before driving to nursery.
7-second video: Riding shotgun on return from our favorite nursery. Passing Orlando’s south side.
11-second video: Orange County code enforcement on a delightfully breezy, 84-degree day.

Being alive doesn’t last forever. Neither does today. Celebrate both.


Being alive today is such an insane proposition. The cosmos is infinitely, incomprehensibly massive. Earth is smaller than a grain of sand. You and i are smaller than an atom.

To experience a day, a lifetime, the odds of us being born on earth, mind-boggling.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Questions change lives

Sarcastic and funny cartoon
All of us know who we can picture saying this too. Wonder how many people would love to ask me that question. Could be the best entertainment since Comedy Central.

Never say anything you would regret if it’s the last thing you say to someone you love.


Everyone is fighting a hell no one else knows about. Since we are all equals in that sense, use the cartoon in the way that serves you best.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Categorized as Quotes Tagged