What happened yesterday and what happens tomorrow

Mid Life Celebration website 2011
Been watching Mid Life Celebration’s vision grow for many years


The balance and interconnectedness is astonishing between these five:

mind • body • spirit • career • home

As is our determination to make the most of each day given to us.

What happened yesterday and what happens tomorrow are heavily influenced by what happens today.

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Ever catch yourself in an unintentional accident that became a miracle?

Orange County Convention Center West E room set for 6,000
Orange County Convention Center West E room set for 6,000


The dinner conversation with close friends last night drifted into why I write five daily, differently-themed blogs.

(… a run of four-plus years and 8k+ posts)

Won’t go on and on about it (because I did that last night), but will say three things:

  1. It was an accident
  2. It was never a goal
  3. It truly is a miracle

Ever catch yourself in an unintentional accident that became a miracle?

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I write knowing it could go either way

Hilo Hawaiian lobby is where the Hawaii writing gets done
Hilo Hawaiian lobby is where the Hawaii writing gets done


All posts are created fresh each and every morning, and this post was written in real time, in Hawaii, with four other posts – no different from any other day. The main goal of these blogs is to leave a trail for our Son (12) in case something bad ever happens to me.

Many of you know this and it’s important to keep that vision in the forefront.

A life guide so to speak. Our Son may never read these posts. Or he may treasure them and re-read the ones he likes best.

I write knowing it could go either way.

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Willing to adapt or change from a long standing habit or routine?


Wild Hawaiian bird at Volcanoes National Park
The nature of life is change and adapt


Willing to adapt or change from a long standing habit or routine?

Hope so. It’s a test we’d all like to pass, but won’t volunteer to take.

Doing it involuntarily (and I’m ok with that) here in Hilo, Hawai’i.

What’s the adaptation? Writing at the very end of the day instead of the very beginning.

More tomorrow.

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