2 days..Invest in yourself

Darwin or God?
Sooner or later it would help if we could validate our convictions


The greatest dream killer question in the history of the world:

But what if I’m wrong?

This is the one that we are afraid to respond with:

But what if this is the right thing to do?

Taking risks is risky. So is playing it safe.

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Life is tiring, which is why we must fight this default setting

Disney monorail black at Contemporary monorail station
Traveling through life can be done in style, with a great attitude


Traveling through life is tiring, which is why we must fight this default setting – tiring.

An object in motion tends to stay in motion.

A person living intentionally with a positive attitude is a person who tends to be positively intentional.

How do we describe ourselves?

How would others?

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