Typical morning for nonconformists like Steve Jobs (or jeff noel)

nonconformists inspire the world

Typical morning for nonconformists like Steve Jobs (or jeff noel) consists of thinking differently. And not just at work, but from the very moment they awaken.

Sure there are some morning rituals (and even those arise from thinking differently). But then the thinking day starts, say 15 minutes after going to the bathroom.

It’s amazing how far we can travel when we refuse to quit…

We’re in such a unique position. No one else should be able to do what we can do. – Steve Jobs

Insight: Have something so motivating, that quitting would be more painful, than the pain of the journey.

Next Blog

He asked, can jeff noel write five differently-themed blog posts in 20 minutes?

under the gun to get people to understand?
Must have been under the gun to get people to understand?

He said, “Yes, I know jeff noel writes five differently-themed blog posts every single day, but can he do it in just 20 minutes?” Here are today’s points:

  • Under pressure, will we keep pressing on?
  • Are we willing to make sacrifices – more than we feel good about?
  • Have we made a remarkable stake in the ground that we will strongly defend?
  • Can we see a future where all of this pays off?

Clicking here takes you to the post, Run Forrest, Run


The world needs someone to lead a fresh approach to work life balance

life is a special occasion
we don’t know what we have until it’s too late

The world needs someone to lead a fresh approach to work life balance. Not a popular approach, although it could be, a common sense, stripped-down look at the real basics.

What I’ve concluded from decades of observation and an unrelenting desire to figure it out, is that humans dislike the hard work that is required for wellness.

Sad but true. And for the minority (that’s you) that yearn for truth (and validity), this story continues at the Next Blog


What makes a business trip great?

Freedom is 19.5 feet tall…and one of the concepts that makes for a great business trip

What makes a business trip great?

1. Safe travel
2. Doing work that matters
3. On rare occasions, a few precious moments of freedom from the hotel

Next Blog

June 28, 2012…the day President Obama’s Health Care reform was upheld (was there)