Through writing and teaching i want to spread light

Disney Keynote speaker
Photo from two days ago, but i can’t recall where.


Through writing and teaching, i want to spread light.

i believe in this idea.

Note: Every post i write is designed to capture what i learned yesterday, what i get to do today, and what i hope for tomorrow. And from that, i hope to reflect long enough to learn something relevant to continuously improve my habits.

With that in mind, what do you want to spread into our world? What tools or resources allow you to do that? How much do you believe in this idea?


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This website is about our mental attitude. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.


What if you only had 10 years left to live?

Living like you were dying
From a High School classmate’s Facebook feed yesterday.


What if you only had 10 years left to live?


An article came my way via Facebook less than 24 hours ago.

The biggest regret most humans list?

Waiting for the moments to come that will change things.

And realizing they never come.


Yet i submit they are always coming.

Every decision we make takes us closer to or farther from moments that change us.

Did yesterday change you in some way?

It should have, possibly more than once.

Many of us go decades and never feel this.


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This website is about our mental attitude. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.


Hey jeff, why not try Open Sourcing your talent needs?

Epcot Food & Wine 2016
Among the masses, a solution awaits. Photo: Oct 9, 2016.


Hey jeff, why not try Open Sourcing your talent needs?

Hey, i like that idea. Thanks.

What does this mean?

It means social media is an amazing tool and people i’ve never met could potentially be just what i need.


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This website is about our mental attitude. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.


Your time is limited

Steve Jobs book
Sent this photo to an executive yesterday, after he sent me a “top 10” Steve Jobs’ article.


Your time is limited.

Accept this.

Focus on it.

Let it set you on fire, since we can most likely assume life has been holding you back from being on fire.

Live like you mean it. Live like your days are numbered.

Because they are.

If you really want to live without regret, the best time to start was 10 years ago. Since that didn’t happen, the second best time was a year ago. Since that didn’t happen, yesterday would have been better than today, but today is all you have.

It’s. All. You. Have. Right. Now.

Stop letting “now” slip away every day.


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This website is about our MIND. To read posts about our BODY, click here.


Living like you mean it

Women's Olympic 400 Meter hurdles final
Women’s Olympic 400 Meter hurdles final – no American has ever won this event before.


Women's Olympic 400 Meter hurdles final
Women’s Olympic 400 Meter hurdles final last night. Just prior to Usain Bolt’s 200 meter victory.


Living like you mean it. Yeah, sure looks good on paper.

Woke up at 4:00am (75 minutes ago) feeling groggy. Tempted to hit snooze. i’m literally never tempted to hit snooze. Back in the day (Disney Resort Operations), i used to do it every morning – for 15 years.

Moving to Disney Institute in 1999, i no longer worked crazy shifts and started having regular sleep cycles. The snooze button became irrelevant because i focused on a regular bed time and an eight-hour a night sleep target.

Staying up until 10pm-ish to watch Olympic Track & Field finals and getting up to be at High School Cross Country practice by 5:50am has led to a short-term sleep disruption.

And i am reminded that my incentive for doing this is i am watching these Olympics as my last Olympics.

i may live long enough to watch the 2020 Olympics, but i am not planning on it.




This website is about our mental attitude. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.


On April Fool’s Day 2009, jeff noel began writing five daily, differently-themed blogs (on five different sites). It was to be a 100-day self-imposed “writer’s bootcamp”, in preparation for writing his first book. He hasn’t missed a single day since.