Today’s post is economical. All you have to do is click on James Brown, to go to Lane 8 for today’s funny, but insightful post.
Run, jeff, run!
Carpe diem!
Disney Leadership Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five interconnected sites.
Today’s post is economical. All you have to do is click on James Brown, to go to Lane 8 for today’s funny, but insightful post.
Run, jeff, run!
Carpe diem!
Mid-Life shadow?
Try this one on for size:
“By listening steadfastly to your opponent, you will discover your own shadow”.
Make it a GREAT Mid-Life day, because if you don’t, who will? Carpe diem, jeff noel 🙂
Click here.
The other day our son (8) said from the back seat while we were driving home from summer camp, “You score zero in golf to win”.
I said, “What?”
He asked to clarify, “Doesn’t the lowest score win?”
“Yes”, I said, wondering where he was going with this.
“Well”, he said, “Scoring zero would win”.
It reminded me that in a fantasy world, our son was correct.
And then I thought, maybe people think the game of life could work that way too.
But low score in life means only one thing. It means ______.
Fill in the blank. 🙂
Mid-Life problem or Mid-Life challenge?
I’d like to refer you to
I was about to label a situation hopeless, when it occured to me, “There’s got to be a better way.”