One great suggestion before you give up hope

walk the dog
walking through the woods with Cooper
unspectacular photos
unspectacular photo taken May 4, 2012 returning from walking our Lab. see the redhead?

Before you give up hope on having balance in your life, may I ask you something? Do you even know what you’re looking for? Most don’t. I didn’t.

Our journey can become massively disrupted by various wake-up calls. What scares the heck out of us might also become the best thing that’s ever happened.

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Why most of us are insecure

work life balance secrets
from normal angles, it’s hard to tell exactly what’s going on

Why are most of us insecure? Because we don’t work hard enough to develop our self confidence. How do I know? Well, it ain’t because I’m a genius. Then why?

The answer has been coming to me the way a light at the end of a tunnel gets bigger and brighter the closer you get to it.

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PS. Did you speculate an answer? Sorry if I frustrated anyone by not just stating the answer right away.