Amplify your attitude

Walt Disney World Steam Trains
Yesterday, although caught in traffic, it was beautiful.


Walt Disney World Steam Trains
Yesterday, stuck in traffic.


You may not be able to be positive all the time, but you can be grateful all the time.

Gratitude. All. The. Time. Period.

Try being negative when you are grateful.

Amplify your attitude.

Turn it up.

We win every time we do this.

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Note: The train was backing into the Monorail Roundhouse, so the top photo was first and the second one was about 15 seconds later.

Thank goodness these crazy people are arrogantly annoying

Disney Customer Service Speaker
A few days ago at the 2015 Sunshine State Games Track Meet.


It’s challenging to have an extraordinarily positive attitude because of two phenomenon:

  • It annoys the heck out of many (50%?) people
  • It has high probability of making you look arrogant

What most of us forget is that it is simply the price one pays to push through limits others say can’t be done.

Olympic gold medal contenders have to think and believe that they are better than everyone else in the world.




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