Optimism is the way

Photo credit: Steve and Stacy Wahlberg, taken yesterday October 8, and texted to me and Cheryl.

Remember when you are afraid, i know this feeling well. Yet i went from only driving Sun Road to climbing Bishops Cap.


Son, you are the only reason i started hiking in Glacier. i never even did Hidden Lake Trail.


Because driving and pulling over at the overlooks was amazing enough for me.

Then, the only way i/we could get you to agree to a third visit was to park the car and hit the trail. Had no idea what that meant.

Remember, mom and i only visited once a decade.

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Your mental brand

4-second video: Aiming for: .think .differently
Disney keynote speaker writing a book on his phone on a Disney train
Who thinks they can write a book, or a series of books, about Disney (at Disney)…all done on an iPhone?

How many reputations do you have? You have one with every person you know.


Biggest challenge, greatest opportunity, for you is to control the one thing in life under your control. Your thoughts.

As you know, between stimulus and response is your challenge, your opportunity.

Be well and remain amazed.

Insight: Some key mental brand categories are:

  • Optimist
  • Pessimist
  • Positive
  • Negative
  • Open-minded
  • Closed-minded
  • Encourager
  • Complainer

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

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Post Op Day 22, mind

29-second video: Oct 7, 2023. Verbal eye update from yesterday’s exam.

Priorities drive habits. Habits drive results.


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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Post Op Day 21, mind

12-second video: Today. October 6, 2023…8:00 AM.
High Mountain Lake
Jody Maberry texted this photo yesterday. That’s me lower right. Longest hike in 50 years of visits…15 miles. Wondering if future visits will be one-eye or two-eye sighted. Btw, that’s the Continental Divide.

You will excel at world-class customer service when you excel at being a world-class customer.


In sharing the Disney Compass this morning to the office manager, it dawned on me…

When you not only know your customer but understand them, you tee up “surprise and delight”.

Surprise and delight is the bull’s-eye for creating “wow“!

Anyone can create it for anyone.

Why the customer service world hasn’t embedded this as a non-negotiable is beyond my comprehension.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Post Op Day 20, mind

Apple Watch message from Apple
Never owned a new car. Not to save money although you do. And yet i’m always wanting THE most excellent work tool. Not trying to spend frivolously although it may seem so. Ps. The green medical bracelet comes off in mid-November.

Know what indulgence you can justify.


For the first time since 2009 i seriously considered passing on the newest iPhone.

After thoughtful consideration, it got ordered.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.