What won’t you do?

Church Pastor with scripture slide
Easy to preach to our kids, but they ultimately take their cues from our habits, not our intentions. Same thing happens adult to adult in business and religion.

Great habits speak for themselves.


Poor habits bring too much short-term pleasure.


You can’t rebuild with ashes.


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Compounding pro tip

This is so far off the beaten path there is no path.

With compounding, the long way is the short cut.


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8th wonder of the world

large clock at night
Pro tip: Compounding takes decades. Said another way, the long way is the short cut.

Compound interest, apparently, has been labeled the 8th wonder of the world.


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Over or under

Sleeping Beauty Castle at night
Sleeping Beauty Castle. Sleep, but not through life.

Instinctual, habitual, auto-pilot. Learn to be intentional where you used to be unintentional or clueless.


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Sooner or later

small boat dock on Florida lake
Avoid regrets later in life by taking action. This is why i quit drinking in 2001. Please don’t take a long walk off a short pier in alligator territory.

Sooner or later it becomes crystal clear. Life is not a dress rehearsal.


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