Meeting location is one mile from the beach. Started driving home after meeting but did a U-turn for the beach. How could you not?
The opposite of falling behind is falling ahead.
Imagine being ahead of your to-do list, not falling behind.
Imagine having enough organization and self-control to simplify your life’s daily structure and processes to a point where unexpected things don’t overwhelm you.
Imagine how your attitude benefits.
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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.
A bit like a seat belt in your daily vehicle. Probably never need (a complete laptop backup) seatbelt, but you wear it every time you get in a vehicle.
You can store everything you have digitally in the cloud.
Apple has the Cloud redundancy that they will never lose your stuff.
But what if you accidentally delete something from your laptop files?
Currently, Apple has automatic iCloud backups for your iPhone (without the need for a separate physical device), but not for a MacBook – that is, not unless you have a physical device.
And if you lose something from your phone, you can restore your phone to the previous day and get it back.
A recent accidental deletion of some files woke me up to getting a physcial device – Apple’s Time Capsule.
It’s wireless, and it can be set to automatically (and daily) back up your entire laptop.
The only downside is that it’s a physical device.
Oh well, do what needs to be done to never have to worry about accidents.
This freedom is healthy for your attitude.
Consistent worry, even at a sub-conscience level, inhibits (and limits) our mental attitude.
• • • • •
This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.
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