Which pile of improvements do we focus on?

jeff noel running in the snow
Be the change, in any kind of weather


Lets nudge ourselves our world ourselves to think about taking on more personal responsibility in solving the things we wish didn’t have to be solved.

Ever mindful. Ever vigilant. Ever hopeful. Always doing things to “be the change”. Never complaining about what others aren’t doing. Only focused on our own pile of improvements we can make.

Today’s quick thought about our physical health is a click away, here.


Does this one thing suggest a law of attraction at midlife?

there's are four big messages in one photo
there are four messages in one photo

Does swapping health stories with other similarly aged midlife adults suggest a law of attraction at midlife? Indeed.

We all start to realize the second half of life (after 50) will almost certainly be shorter than the first. Maybe even significantly.

The above photo reveals four messages:

  • (bottom & blurry): affording the cost of early adoption is easier with a rainy day fund
  • (top right): hint for Baby Boomers – go after some childhood dreams
  • (top center): the symbolic bear is by my side, even at home – make the unbearable (travel), bearable
  • two MacBooks signify always have a backup plan – life is always unpredictable

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