Notes from an idea that surfaced during yesterday’s 8:45AM Mass.
Pinterest sends me occasional emails with a few things they think i might appreciate. Here are two. You’d never know i struggle because i never focus on the “problems”. And, mistakes are some of my favorite teachers.
As you move from Mid Life Celebration’s blog to Lane 8’s blog, this message (from Twitter yesterday) is solid wisdom.
While nurturing my spirit yesterday morning, a mental and a career idea bloomed. Reference the top photo.
Jody Maberry has agreed to take me on as his final podcast customer. He doesn’t have room, but because of our relationship and my Disney wisdom, he is doing it.
He is smart.
And i am lucky.
(And blessed, humbled, excited, relieved, and grateful.)
When you get to Jungle Jeff’s blog, you’ll see why the note’s ideas (top photo above) are important.
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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.
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Heading out at 7:20am this morning via Lyft to Orlando International Airport to attend a surprise 50th birthday party for a CEO i’ve known since 2014.
Our relationship began as a business association – as a contracted business advisor.
As we’ve worked together we’ve become friends – the same way it happens when you are colleagues.
The label pin photo is from a multi-year Disney Institute client (a different executive).
Here’s what i’ve come to expect from CEOs: they all intuitively know culture is their most important asset. And they struggle to make it their number one priority.
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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.
If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.