Back To… You Win Some And Lose Some

I wonder if he thought the day was an epic failure? Probably not.

Compared to two days ago, yesterday was an epic failure. The whole Family was off (MLK day) and we even had two other boys for most of the day. Beautiful weather too.

For years I’ve told everyone I work seven days a week in order to have some semblance of work life balance. But being a holiday and three day weekend, I swore I wouldn’t, not on a holiday.

Alas, the road to heck is paved with good intentions.

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How Constant Is Your Battle?

Same thing, different day.

Over and over and over…

  • The long way is the short cut
  • If your goal isn’t impossible, you’re not reaching high enough
  • Do something great
  • Focus and discipline
  • Do it for someone else
  • etc, etc….

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How Do You Do It?

Some things are challenging to explain, like this photo. (Disney's Best Friends Pet Care)

Ever have one of those moments when someone asks, “How do you do it?” and you don’t really have a logical answer?

Last week, a few days before New Year’s, enjoying dinner, our friend asked how the blogging was going. Cheryl chimed in, “Jeff hit his 5,000th post on 11.11.11”.

Stacey then asked, “So you reuse some of your older posts?”

Pausing, and thinking for a moment, “No. There are recurring themes, over and over, but not the same stories.”

Scroll down for yesterday’s post or to leave here and visit the 2nd of 5 different blogs I write on Work/Life Balance, click next Blog

Florida Real Estate @ Mid Life Celebration

Florida Real Estate
Florida Real Estate

As we all strive to stay alive in this brutal recession and down economy, it is the most creative and the hardest working that not only survive, but thrive.

How is it possible to thrive in a great depression?  Well, for starters, we’ve already mentioned it: be the most creative and hardest working in your industry.

Like this Central Florida Real Estate Agent.  She placed her business cards in the most creative and unusual place ever seen.  Shot a One-Take-You Tube video and posted it Super Bowl Sunday.

Yesterday, my Google Alert for Mid Life Celebration captured this viral spread of that You Tube video and the most amazing, simple, and creative Florida Real Estate Marketing you’ve seen in a long time.

Click here to check it out.  It’s brief (20 sec), powerful and it might just be the catalyst for your next successful, creative idea to market your business.