Friends Sharing Good Times Is A Big Social Media Selling Point

Friends Sharing Good Times Is A Big Social Media Selling Point

Friends sharing good times has always been a fabric of our lives. Baby Boomers can remember the parties, life events, and milestones from their memory. Plus there was always a person (with my friends/family it’s me) labeled shutterbug who captured the stuff on “film”.

Now, like the photo above, no film or paper is ever involved. No restricted viewers. Anything goes. It no longer matters, because everyone is doing it. It’s the new norm.

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Social Media Sites Like Facebook, You Tube, Flickr, Twitter Have Exponentially Exploded Information Sharing

Social Media Feeds On The Unedited Real Life, In Real Time

Social media sites like Facebook, You Tube, Flickr, Twitter have exponentially exploded information sharing. What was once a scared cow is simply another boring cow. There’s so much information, society is even becoming numb to what was once shocking.

We no longer critique the content, the quality, or even the spelling of r txt.

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Midlife Authenticity Is A Scary Proposition For Most Baby Boomers

Professional development class from April 2010


Who we are at work and who we are at home are often two souls in the same Baby Boomer body. Why? For starters, Boomers have been conditioned to believe they must act a certain way at work. For all intents and purposes, they’re right. They are professionally representing their organization. No disagreement here.

What many Boomers haven’t kept up with is the drastically changing social norms brought on by social media. What was once restricted to our closest friends and family is now public knowledge accessible by anyone in the world, anytime.

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Happy 40th Birthday Walt Disney World!

jeff noel in training

First of all for October, a Happy Birthday shout out to all the Cast Members at Walt Disney World. Today is Walt Disney World’s 40th birthday, 1971 -2011. Congratulations Mickey Mouse (and Minnie Mouse, and all the other beloved Disney Characters).

Boomers, can you remember your 40th birthday? Forty is the new 30. Fifty is the new 40. Whatever, right? Authenticity is the new currency, um, well, it’s nothing new – yet – because people are afraid of it. That’s where jeff noel comes in. He’s not.

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If Midlife Responsibility Matters, Does Random and Ridiculous?

Random, ridiculous and beeresponsible?

The thing that excites jeff noel most about Mid Life Celebration’s next month is that there are unlimited possibilities, because so much has been done to lay the foundation for prolific blogging. Like a physical building, the foundation has been laid, the walls are up, but the outside exterior walls can be made with any texture and painted (if necessary) with any color.

PS. If you’re new to Midlife Celebration, today’s post may not initially make sense. Trust that I’m always going somewhere with every message. Always. And does that website really translate into: “be eresponsible”?

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