What a great morning to think, run, pray, work, and get organized

watch the sunrise
yes, a room with a view…life is short, pay attention

It’s a beautiful central Florida morning, sun about to peek over the trees. Do you catch the sunrise often? Positioned my home office desk, second floor, facing east, catching every sunrise. You know, we only get so many mornings, so many sunrises. Don’t want to waste any of them.

Have spent the past two hours reading, writing, praying, thinking and organizing. It’s time for a run, before it gets hot, and before the work day begins. You follow a similar path, I’m sure, because our clocks are ticking…

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The number one reason why people fail in life

sure it's a fancy birdhouse, but it's still a cage

The number one reason why people fail in life? Think about it. We already know the answer because you and I have been doing it all our lives. We quit.

We quit moving forward with our dreams. Instead of quitting, what if we recalculated? You know, adjusted our course, modified the due dates, found creative ways we never dreamed of, and celebrated the journey? What if?

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Learning to be positive and confident will require every fiber of your being

paris art
annoying birds? angry birds? pesky birds?
Paris photos
there were many quiet, reflective moments in those seven Paris hours
eiffle tower
how many walk around the puddle...

Learning to be positive and confident will require every fiber of your being.

Oh, and the other thing, it’ll take most, if not all, of your life.

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PS. How do I know these things? Dude, I’m 53. You can observe a lot by paying attention when others aren’t.

Blah blah blah positive mental attitude blah blah

eiffle tower drain
had no idea which post I’d use this in, but knew it’d be used (how is that possible?)

Blah blah blah positive mental attitude blah blah…

When we’re up we’re up. When we’re down, we’re down. The trick is to do two critical things with the down…tomorrow…

…blah blah blah

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PS. Eiffle Tower. Wow! And yet there’s so much that goes down our proverbial drain. (I’m going somewhere with this)