Regret sucks

Unique Clock in New Mexico airport
How we spend our minutes is how we spend our days.



Indecision feeds fear, sustains fear, and actually enlarges fear’s reach. (Tweet that)

Don’t let it.

Regret sucks.

So yesterday in a Facebook post, told all those 1977 Spring Grove Area High School classmates something never before shared.

“I love you. Seriously.”

The first quote is from a book inspired by fear and regret.

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Reminders come and go.

iPhone clock alarm screen shot
Wheels up at 5:30am means a 3am wake up call


Reminders come and go.

Some are simple and casual.

Some are devastating, tragic, sudden.

What we do with them to a large extent, determines our ability to live with peace and contentment.

Fear is attachment to things, people, and outcomes.

Waking up to this and living like we mean it helps us accept the uncontrollables in life.

This is key to being a thriver versus a survivor.

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The two obvious obituaries we could write for ourselves

jeff noel's book Mid Life Celebration
Life by design or life by default… intentional or unintentional (very first Mid Life Celebration book)


Want to share this challenge with you. If we could write two obituaries, it would be these two:

  1. What it would read like if we made no changes in our life’s approach?
  2. What it would read like we actually did a bunch of the stuff we promised ourselves we would do?

And then after reading our two self-penned obituaries, which one makes us smile, feeling peaceful and contented?

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