Mental Eureka!

Christmas lights on community trees
Neighborhood evening walk.

Counting today, we are one week from Christmas.


.think .differently


What if a Christmas gift would be a gift received daily?

Say, for example, your presence.

.think .differently

Is the morning the only time to write five daily, differently-themed blog posts?


Morning became the one and only time due to a busy Disney Institute career.


What if you wrote later in the day?

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Better today

misdirected request
Quit writing everyday? You gotta be kidding me. Serendipitous this photo was found for today. Note: wasn’t looking for this photo, but as soon as it appeared, it was…bullseye!

Feeling better today.

Back on Earth.

Mars is an interesting planet.

Few conveniences.

Walt Disney World, home on Earth.

Conveniences galore.

Just needed to write it down.

The part about quitting writing.


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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Happy Present Easter 2022

Mountain landscape
Mars? With snow?

Writing prolifically is uncharted territory.

A wilderness that sometimes (more like rarely) feels more like Mars than Earth.

Mostly Earth.

Like 99.79% of the time.

That’s about 4,790 days out of 4,800.

Or, on Mars, about 10 days out of 4,800.

Prior to last week, only three times have i thought, “Is it time to stop writing?”

Then last week, seven days in a row.

Ten days, so only three times before last week – or about once every 4.5 years the question comes up, “Time to quit writing?”

Point zero-zero-zero-six-five percent (0.00065%) (3 divided by 4,800 = .00065)


The past week has been seven of those ten days on Mars.

Is it time to stop writing?

Why stop?

What about the streak?

What about 4,800 consecutive days of routine?

What about contribution?

What about the trail?

No one reading this will be able to relate to what i think, say, or do from writing 24,000+ blog posts.

Two hours a day.

Day after day.

Month after month.

Year after year.


Profound self-discovered insights.



And on rare occasions, aliens.

Like, “Maybe it’s time to stop blogging.”

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Blastoff: April Fool, you are

Disney Employee engagement keynote speaker
Wow might be the understatement of the present moment. Photo: Santiago, Chile.

Prolific daily writing provides a blessed freedom from limited thinking.

Prolific daily writing transforms you with a world-class growth mindset.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

T-minus 1 – 14th year eve

post it note with balance and personal vibrancy
Doing impossible things makes you question other impossible things. And you continue to make impossible part of what you thrive on.

Thirteen years ago on March 31, 2009 some crazy “promise” began.

The promise to begin writing in the morning.

The promise to write five differently-themed blog posts, on five different websites.

The promise to write those five differently-themed posts every single day for 100 consecutive days.

Note: The previous record for 5-a-day was two days in a row. Pathetic.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.