In love with your morning routine?

inspiring quote
Easy to gloss over. Dangerous too.


What’s your routine each morning after you awaken?

How many times does your clock sound before your feet hit the floor?

(let’s agree not everyone sets a clock to go off, and not everyone has feet…i’m fully aware there are exceptions to literally everything – except death – so the use of generalizations has a place in our world)

What are your dominating thoughts the first 5, 10, 15, or 30 minutes?

Gratitude, hope, purpose?

Resentment, dread, confusion?

Writing helps me process where i’ve been, where i’m at, and where i’m going.

What do you do to process those three things?

Every morning we awaken, our routine begins again.

In love with your routine?

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.


The mind sees what it wants to see

Spotted this in a parking lot and immediately interpreted it as “VISION”.


The mind sees what it wants to see.

We train it to think a certain way, over the course of our life.

The past few weeks, i’ve been helping some folks commit to a vision that’s clear, concise, and compelling.

They’re making progress.

Not nearly as fast as they’d like, but nothing worthwhile magically falls from the sky.

And just to clarify those lucky breaks that sometimes happen; luck favors the prepared.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.


Motivation is key

Grammarly sale offer
Paid $140 for a year…it’s now on sale for half that. And i thought $140 was a great price. How does that make you feel?


Motivation is the key to attaining your dream(s).




He’s only a Sophomore, and has wanted to be a Novelist for several years already.



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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.


Balance is not a myth is an attitude worth pursuing

note: i did not write what’s in this photo…


From LinkedIn i believe. That headline. Messages like this serve no one. However, people who rely on excuses take solace in this false proposition.



Balance is not a myth.

The key mindset (our attitude) is coming to the realization that balance isn’t about a perceived equality between time spent at work and time spent at home.

Balance is about energy.

Energy invested and time spent are two completely different metrics.

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This website is about our MIND. To read posts about our BODY, click here.


The attitude art must be done

Second from bottom. Steve Jobs…



Can it be art?

Or maybe.

Can it be art without trying for it to be art?

Ask Steve Jobs.

Ask yourself.

Stay hungry.

Stay foolish.

You artist, you.

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This website is about our MIND. To read posts about our BODY, click here.