What is a thriver and we?

thriving as we age is up to us, not genetics, not wealth

The thriver makes no distinction between her work and her play, her office and her home, her mind and her body, her focus and her distraction, her love and her religion. Everything blurs together. She pursues excellence at whatever she does, making others wonder whether she is working or playing. Unconsciously, she’s always doing both.

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Take a bead every weekend for 18 years

they grow up fast
2/3 of the way to his 18th birthday
time flies
every Saturday, a reminder to “Take a bead”

Take a bead every weekend for 18 years. Yes. Dear Son, been taking one bead from this jar every weekend for 12 years now. Two thirds of our life under the same roof is over.

This is why balance is so important. Kids grow up fast. What’s your biggest regret looking back on how your children are no longer living with you?

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How determined are we and is it worth it?

carpe diem
the only reason I saw these birds (and enjoyed the brief moment of white on blue…
carpe diem
… is because I was looking at different angles to take this photo

How determined are we and is it worth it? To live each day fully present is challenging. Writing and thinking about writing, coupled with constant photo taking, has led to being in the moment and appreciating beauty and interconnectedness in unimaginable ways.

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Party time, by Lorie Sheffer, Guest blogger

Break out the "good china"
Celebrating life is up to us (photo: Lorie Sheffer)

It’s nice to have something special to look forward to. If we wait for that invitation to arrive in the mail, or for the days to pass until the next holiday, life can get pretty stressful/boring/mundane. There are lots of parties just waiting to happen and many events worth a little celebration, if we just look for them.

One of my many eccentricities is turning “normal” events into mini-celebrations. The recent wedding of Kate and William turned into a British inspired brunch at my house. The Presidential Inauguration was reason for a champagne brunch and a special dinner to enjoy while waiting for The Gown to be revealed at The Heroes Ball. There are finale parties for reality shows and season premiers of PBS series. Groundhog Day is worthy of a party in my world. I don’t have to have an extensive guest list. Sometimes I spend days planning and baking for just my husband and myself.

Recently, I was asked why I “bother” going to all the trouble. Indeed. Why bother doing something that I enjoy, and why add a celebratory feeling to an otherwise ordinary event?

Life is what you make it. I choose to celebrate.

Is it really possible to control our attitude?

positive mental attitude
positive mental attitude (Bourbon Street)

Is it really possible to control our attitude? Because there are many arguing no. Cognitive disabilities are just that, disabilities. And disabilities are meant to be overcome. Not in the scientific removal, but in the psychological adjustment to living with it.

Diet, exercise, therapy, reading, meditating, medication, rest, support, non-traditional applications – these are all part of a solution that may not be perfect, but certainly better than doing nothing.

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