Until further notice…

Until further notice, celebrate everything.” — anonomous

Let the glories of nature energize your body, heal your psyche, and uplift your spirit.” — anonomous

The word “happiness” would lose it’s meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.” — Carl Jung

Make it a great, midlife day, because if you don’t, who will? 🙂

Why we get old, the answer is…..

Why do we get old? Here’s an insightful answer:

You don’t stop doing things because you get old. You get old because you stop doing things.”

Here’s the link to Wisdom Book, for a short, inspirational video that will add wisdom to your thinking today: www.wisdombook.org/

The quote you just read, and many other great insights are on the Wisdom Book video clip.

Make it a GREAT day, because if you don’t, who will. Carpe diem, 🙂

Mid Life day dream?

What do you do, every single day, that tells you, “Yes, I’m on the right track with my life. I am dreaming and doing, so that I may live without regrets.”?

This is a really tough one.


I believe it’s because most of us are insanely busy.

Anyway, here’s what I do. It may work for you. It may not.

I read for, think of and pray for, inspiration, every single day.

It took a long time for this daily habit to occur, and I’m so glad I got started and even more thankful that I never gave up.

It’s such a part of what I do now that it’s become a habit that requires about as much effort as getting dressed, going to the bathroom, or brushing my teeth.

Here’s a thought from Carl Jung that I just found, as I flipped through one of my 3-ring binders full of quotes and short stories – collected from the past 35 years:

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

Live, before you die. Do something great. If you don’t, who will? Carpe diem, and best wishes for your next inspiring moment. May you have so many that you feel blessed beyond measure. 🙂

Rich Dad, Poor Dad


Just published a world-record blog post, and am actually undecided.

Should I be embarrassed or proud?

Mostly both.

As for length, embarrassed. As for content, proud.

So, a compromise. I put it on it’s own PAGE, under Book Reviews. Click here if interested in my spin on the book:


Heard of Miniature-Earth?

If you think you may be having a Mid-life crisis (or a Mid-life celebration), and think it’s tough, then you may want to consider watching this 3-minute video.


It will humble you.

It will make you feel blessed.

And it will help you realize – that what you have, and what you are capable of doing with it can make a difference in this world. But we can’t wait forever. None of us has that long.

Here’s the link. Once the website displays, click the play icon.
