Seeing is believing

Bird on a wire
Started the day with a walk to see what (and how well) i could see. The camera caught the beak detail my vision couldn’t detect.

A good and decent goal is to never take simple, profound blessings for granted.


What is a simple, profound blessing?

Start with the five human senses: touch, taste, sound, sight, smell.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Cataract followup, mind

From Swiftcurrent Mountain. From Granite. From The Loop. From St Mary. From Kalispell Airport. Deep in is an understatement.

When i say “deep in” take it to mean few ever get to the place.


“Few get to the place” has layers of meaning.

Physically in this example. But also mentally, spiritually, with a career, with an intentional home life.

If you want to experiment with your own perspective, watch the video (link below) again and contemplate it from all five of life’s big choices.


Overall, feeling very good about Dr. Shumski’s surgery.

Note: If it wasn’t for the lingering possibility, (although slim, it ain’t zero), that the lens implant could collapse into my eye the way a roof might collapse into a house—super rare yet it happens. And my odds of rare, are accentuated because it’s rare indeed to go into cataract surgery with two fresh retina surgeries in the same eye.

Ya feelin’ me?

i am the antithesis of pessimistic.

i know you know this.

Just me talking to me.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Cataract surgery, mind

13-second video: Third eye surgery in nine months in left eye.
Book about eye sight surgery history
A tabletop book in the lounge, great karma. “He changed the world so that we may better see it.”

There’s nothing more important to me than trust. Your first victory is self-trust.


Yesterday’s cataract surgery was routine.

However, due to the trauma from two retina tear repair surgeries in one month to the same eye, there’s an increased risk for me to have a compromised eye structure.

While rare, the possibility exists.

If the eye structure is “too compromised” than the lens implant may not hold. Possibly falling into the eyeball.

In that case, Dr Kumar, the Retina specialist, would need to retrieve it later.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Praying for daylight

3-second video: Cheryl’s driving. i’m praying for encouraging news.

Youth convinces us we have forever.


Yesterday was a HUGE day.

Craving good news.

Hadn’t heard any in 110 days.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Today could be a thing

Everyone is going through a hell no one knows about. Growth-mindset doesn’t make you immune, it makes you creative.


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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.