Fleeting days

pink post it note with writing on it
New Year’s Eve, 2001. First day of third attempt to ‘quit drinking’. Made it over 21 years without a drop before a new idea about drinking revealed itself.

If not now, when? If not ever, why?


The days are long, the years are short.

i think Gretchen Ruben said that. She went viral with “The Happiness Project”.

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Every day is a lot of days

One person taking a picture of another person and a dog by a fun sign
The first time i was here (Two Dog Flats), never knew about it. Never saw the sign. Glacier National Park has a couple distractions, so one lone, roadside sign never stood out. The Continental Divide stood out though. For sure.

Firsts can be a long string of firsts.


The first day i published five differently-themed blog posts was a first.

The next day when i did it again, that became the first time i did it two days in a row.

The third day doing it became the first time i did it three days in a row.

Today is the first time i’ve written five daily, differently-themed blog posts for 5,386 days in a row.

Incidentally, when this post publishes on August 8, 2024, that day will be the first time i’ve ever written five daily, differently-themed blog posts for 5,608 days in a row. (assuming i don’t miss a single day in the next 222 days)

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

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Blueprints, site prep, foundation

text thread
Yesterday. The soundbite needed to help me help someone else overcome stalling.

If you want to be on the Olympic podium, you are going to have to burn the ships. And there is never a guarantee.


Hopeful objectives:

Assumptions (2):

  1. You have said for years you want the podium.
  2. i’m the only one who can get you (and your team) there.
  3. Each item below will have an accountability owner. Motive for volunteers is leadership development.


  1. Leadership Development Resource ‘jumpstart handbook’: 100 reliably effective employee development tactics to increase employee commitment.
  2. Meet with who’s in charge of Galen’s Performance Development Process (PDP). Review process in detail with the PDP ‘accountability’ owner.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Mentally out of office alert

Santa character on a house deck
Down the road from our place.

.think .differently

Mentally out of office alert…

Being out of the office for any reason provides a unique opportunity to provide exceptional service, with the hallmark goal to exceed customer expectations in every interaction.

When someone receives your out-of-office alert, the recipient is interacting with you.

How you see your out-of-office-alert commitment (obligation) is how you see everything about your customer.

Detail oriented or not detail oriented?

The customer prefers the first.

Employees default to whatever is easiest.


Show me your out-of-office alerts and i’ll give you a Disney Service Consultant grade for your products (efforts).

All this begs the supreme question — What is the best way to exceed customer expectations with your various (email, phone, text) out-of-office alerts?

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Daily writing is a thing?

Social media Screen Shot about a daily writing app
A year of writing sounds like a serious commitment.

i write, not because it is required. i write because i enjoy it and cannot help myself.


Many things can provide positive change. What works for one may not for another.

However, the five big choices from which to focus are simple.

Mind, body, spirit, work, home.

We think.

We move.

We feel.

We contribute.

We dwell.

Each big choice has tactics.

But the strategy is simple.

What works for me may not work for you.

But i do know for sure that i always yearned for a simple strategy.

Seek out a mentor who has mastered vibrancy, i said to myself.

After a 20 year search inside Disney, a revelation.

What you seek cannot be found in another, not even at Disney.

Seek it in yourself.

In 2005, it became obvious.

Become the change you seek to know.

A few years later, daily writing became the catalyst…and on April Fools Day 2009, everything began to slowly change.

Daily writing has been a thing for me for nearly 5,700 consecutive days (also known as 15.5 years).

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

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