Here’s what i know, mentally

Apple Watch screen note
Once we land at LAX we have (scheduled) 72 minutes to board the next plane to Australia. This second leg is 15 hours airtime.

i know my thoughts are the only thing i can control.


What i know mentally is from what i’ve read, what i’ve lived, and what i’ve observed.

i’ve drawn my conclusions, based on my actions, experiences, and observations.

The mental conclusions are then applied to life moving forward.

Launch, learn, revise.


Note: This post will repeat itself in all today’s posts: mind, body, spirit, work, home. The energy is themed around a mantra or prayer type recital.

Second note: Just because i know i can control my thoughts doesn’t mean i will. Controlling your thoughts requires commitment. A lifetime’s worth.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Misunderstanding power

Everyone is going through hells no one knows about.


Common is misunderstanding the power of positive thinking, optimism, and growth-mindset — these mental elements, for me, are mission critical to a vibrant life.

Those who under-focus on these elements probably under-focus on the other big four life choices. These same people will dislike being around you because they do not understand how you succeed at what seems (to me) like a blinding flash of the obvious.

And to close by repeating what needs to remain crystal clear, everyone (including me) is going through hells no one knows about.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Categorized as Quotes Tagged

A (mental) toast

Apple Music replay 2023
i ❤️Apple Music.
Apple Music replay 2023
Guessing if you have Apple Music, you got this email too.
Apple Music replay 2023
Top 5 artists i listened to in 2023
Apple Music replay 2023
Top 6-10 artists. Carmen Piazzini plays Mozart piano.
Apple Music replay 2023
Top 11-15 artists from 2023.

“I drink to myself and one other, and may that one other be he, who drinks to himself and one other, and may that one other be Me.” 

Margaret Black’s fav toast, St Mary, MT

“I drink to myself and one other, and may that one other be he, who drinks to himself and one other, and may that one other be Me.” 

Margaret Black’s fav Toast

St Mary

Cottages at Glacier

Terry and Sally Welder


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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Categorized as Quotes Tagged

Mental medicine

17-second video: Nightly, backyard, Magic Kingdom fireworks never gets old.
Disney’s Stitch funny meme

.thinking .differently is medicine.


Today’s posts theme on metaphorical medicine.

Mental , physical, spiritual, career, home. Medicine.

.thinking .differently is medicine.

Movement is medicine. Rest is medicine. Nutrition is medicine.

Peace is medicine. Contentment is medicine.

Art is medicine. Paradox is medicine. Common sense is medicine. Pointed questions are medicine.

Prioritized priorities are medicine. A keen decision-making filter is medicine.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Categorized as Quotes Tagged

August 12, 2023 in Glacier, mentally

After 50 years and 300 nights inside Glacier, Glacier feels comfortable, like home.


Today’s posts are from an Apple Note i had for 2023 in Glacier.

i use the Notes app to write without wifi or cell signal.

Stumbled upon five posts written August 12 while in Glacier.

This is the day we flew home.

Cheryl flew home to help our son gear up for his final semester at Goucher.

i flew home simply to take a one-week break from what was scheduled to be a four-month stay in Glacier.

Note: In searching scheduled posts, unsuccessful in finding the posts from today. So as far as i know, these are not dupes. Let’s call them hidden gems, or lost tracks.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.