Can you imagine the mental power you can harness

Glacier airport mounted mountain lion
It looks so real. Even stuffed, it looks scary. Photo: 4:47 AM Glacier International Airport yesterday.


Can you imagine the mental power you can harness if you chose to make hard decisions, to not procrastinate, and to make a habit of confronting difficult decisions?

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Check out and head East

High School author
Our Son doesn’t know i brought a copy.


Logan Pass Visitor's Center
Logan Pass Visitor’s Center – one last stop for Cheryl. There was no parking.


Leisurely morning.

Late breakfast.

Check out and head East.

Another leisurely stop at Lake McDonald Lodge.

Leisure is good.

Arrive at Apgar at 1pm.

Room was ready.

Relaxed and enjoyed the lack of an agenda.

Dinner at Eddie’s.

Shopping at West Glacier.

Ice cream to cap off the day.

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The first thought in paradise was cabin fever

Waterton boat ride
Yesterday, Just 3, 2017.


Waterton Boat ride
Iconic Prince of Wales Hotel.


Waterton Boat ride
Looking South at the United States and Glacier National Park’s northern border.


Returned to Waterton, Alberta, Canada yesterday for a 10:00 AM boat ride.

Waterton has a unique small town charm, yet the first thing i thought of was cabin fever.

This is one our greatest challenges – overcoming infatuation and the honeymoon effect.

You have the opportunity to go into life being well aware of it.

Do not worry about getting burned.

It will most likely happen more than once.

Can you picture it?

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Baby steps to reach your dreams

Logan Pass fogged in
Logan Pass stayed foggy all day. This is what we said goodbye to early as we made our descent East.


Yesterday was a welcomed break from the heat and cloudless skies.

The daytime high dropped about 25 degrees.

Driving to Logan Pass in a thick fog, we were about five cars too late to get an open parking space.

Ten minutes circling the parking lot paid off.

We waited until it was evident the clouds weren’t going to burn off anytime soon.

West we headed to Apgar – the Hidden Lake trail hike Chapin and i had planned waits for a different day.

What did you learn from the effortless way we adjusted our plans?

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Does what you’re about to read sound crazy?

Rising Sun Employees
Karley and Sue were just like Disney Cast Members.


Sun Point GNP
Sun Point at St Mary Lake has reopened after decades of being closed to visitors.


Sun Point GNP
Glacier Boat Company Tour on St Mary Lake.


Sun Point GNP


Sun Point GNP
So many peaks covered by clouds.


Sun Point GNP
Highly recommended.


Sun Point GNP
The St Mary marina is about 400 meters from Rising Sun.


Lake McDonald Lodge lobby
Lake McDonald Lodge lobby


Lake McDonald Lodge lobby
Chess. He won.


Lake McDonald Lodge lobby


Lake McDonald Lodge lobby


Lake McDonald Lodge lobby

Disney author jeff noel
One of my favorite GNP places to write from.


Disney author jeff noel
Writing while the others do their thing.


Disney author jeff noel
Writing like i mean it.


Writing any where, any time.


Chapin, here’s today’s question: Does what you’re about to read sound crazy?

Remember how excited we (you mostly) were for the clouds and chill?

And then…

Late breakfast (9am).

Dropped off two signed books at Rising Sun Camp Store for Karla and Sue.

They were both so kind to us and it was their Friday, so we will never see them again.

Highlights from then on included…

First, just let me say that my chess game is rusty.

And I’m playing a more aggressive, quicker game.

It cost me.

Thanks for the laughs.

And the challenge.

While you were rusty, your piano playing was heavenly to your mom and dad.

Thank you.

Yesterday afternoon sitting on the back porch (facing the lake) at Lake McDonald Lodge i started thinking about the way the day had unfolded. Inspired by this Brad Paisley song.


Coldest morning so far.

By far.

Cloudy too.

Our first three days offered nothing but blue, clear sky.

Forecast was 74 degrees.

Not bad, but at higher elevations, subtract 10 degrees and add wind chill.

Obligatory stop at Wild Goose Island for family photo.

First stop, ever, at the newly (this year) opened Sun Point – home of Mountain Chalets in the 1930’s that later were bulldozed down for lack of interest and subsequent disrepair.

It was cloudy, and as the next 45 minutes gloriously ticked by, the clouds – heavily outmanned by the Sun – had risen surrender’s white flag.

A couple miles west and still cloudy there, Jackson Glacier overlook was nice, but just okay by clear sky standards.

We pushed to Logan Pass.

Parking lot full.

As we expected.

We drove one loop around the perimeter, in case good karma was nearby.

It was, but not at the continental divide.

A few more stops on the 36-mile descent to Lake McDonald and we arrived to another “parking is out of control” challenge.

Karma whispered, “I knew you’d be better off here.”

More at the next blog…you know how to get there, right?

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