Something really big is on the horizon and it is fueled by love, generosity, and gratefulness

First day of school 2013
First day of 2013 school – dad and dog pick up 7th grader


First day of school 2013
What’s the number one goal of education?


Something really big is on the horizon and it is fueled by love, generosity, and gratefulness.

We often ask for a map to guide our way.

But what good does the map do?

We are not even sure where we are going.

Mid Life Celebration has prepared a life compass.

Because where we are heading is more important than how we travel.

Next Blog


The downside and upside to midlife consistency

Lab in car surrounded by children
May the law of attraction work brilliantly for you today


The downside to midlife consistency is that mediocrity slowly suffocates our desire and passion to thrive.

Deep down, we know this is true.

The upside is that constantly tending to our mind, body, spirit, work, and home keeps our life in very good shape.

Deep down, we also know this to be true.

Wishing everyone great choices today.

Next Blog


If we don’t change anything, nothing will change

jeff noel's linkedin profile recognition
most resumes, and social media profiles, are plain vanilla


If we don’t change anything, nothing will change. Wow. Profound. Is this true? Mostly.

And perhaps, insidiously tricky.

There’s a paradox here most of us are missing.

Suppose we don’t change, could this change influence others?

Refusing to change because of peer pressure, social norms, religious or political views could in fact, change everything.

Today’s quick thought about our physical health is a click away, here.


Four reasons why leading by example is rubbish

evening photo of Pacific Coast Highway heading north
most paths are laid out well, heavily traveled, and always lead to the same place


Four reasons why leading by example is rubbish:

  1. because most leaders are too afraid to take calculated risks
  2. because most leaders are really only in it for the money, status, power
  3. because an example isn’t always a good thing
  4. (the paradox of #3) because a great example is the only way to teach

In order to do #4, we must undo #1-3. Break the mold. Be bold in your dreams and methodical in your execution. Be prepared for your journey to take decades, if not a lifetime.

Okay, I get that no one wants to hear advice like that.

That’s part of being a leader though, isn’t it?

* * * * *

This month jeff noel is challenging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. To navigate instantly from this mental attitude blog to his physical health blog, click -> go to Next Blog