Yesterday’s morning’s Sunday bike ride was hot and humid. Heading to Glacier Park’s majesty in an hour. Packed hats, gloves, and vests. Logan Pass is at 6,600 feet.
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Disney Leadership Keynote Speaker
Five daily blogs about life's 5 big choices on five interconnected sites.
Yesterday’s morning’s Sunday bike ride was hot and humid. Heading to Glacier Park’s majesty in an hour. Packed hats, gloves, and vests. Logan Pass is at 6,600 feet.
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(photo: Stopped along the roadside to say hello to these gracious gifts from Mother Nature)
The key difference between a poor attitude and a positive attitude has nothing to do with happiness.
Being happy is not the cornerstone of a positive attitude.
Being grateful is.
While being happy all the time may seem impossible, being constantly grateful is anything but.
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(photo: walking down to his favorite place in Glacier National Park – Two Dog Flats Restaurant)
How would we and why would we do something so difficult few others would ever attempt it?
Why wouldn’t a person be driven to do something remarkable?
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(photo: one of the final photos from Glacier National Park… July 25, 2014… 4pm)
It’s not often we get to reflect back on the past 48 hours of our life. Not because it’s difficult, mostly because we silently tell ourselves there wasn’t much worth recounting.
Same old, same old.
Then again, there are times when those 48 hours offer something remarkable – if only we pause and reflect.
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(photo: Logan Pass at the Continental Divide… looking up and looking down… non-stop)
Ever been too tired or too busy to fulfill solemn promises?
Has Midlife Celebration ever been too busy or too tired to write?
Been close on a time or two in the past 1,900+- days.
Right now, in Kalispel Montana is as close as it’s ever gotten.
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