Take it easy is more than a song

Best Disney Institute Speakers
Apgar Village and Lake McDonald shoreline.


Apgar Village Inn
Apgar Village Inn.


Apgar Village Inn
Apgar Village Inn from my seat on a rock at the shore.


Disney Keynote Speakers
Yeah, a takin’ it easy kinda morning.


Child rock art
Made by some children the night before, a crab (left) and a sea turtle (right).


Disney Speakers
Why not?


Disney keynote speakers
My pace was slow enough it allowed me to notice the reflection.


Disney Leadership Speakers
Sprauge fire September 2017, fills the valley with smoke.


Logan Pass Visitor Center artist rendering
Logan Pass Visitor Center artist rendering, hanging on our room wall.


Sprauge fire from Village Inn
Another boat ride is in order.


Disney Customer Service Speakers
Simply to make others smile as they walked by. Clothes draped over chairs to get some air.


Lake McDonald recreation
Paddle board and kayak.


Take it easy is more than a song.

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We had margin in our schedule allowing for a cruise

Lake McDonald Lodge Fire 2017
Our rental car minutes after we toured Cabin 20. Lake McDonald Lodge closed the day we arrived (August 30), due to the Sprauge fire getting bigger and threatening the health and the wellbeing of employees.


Lake McDonald Lodge Fire 2017
Because the day’s itinerary was wide open after the hike down from Granite Park Chalet and the Cabin 20 tour, Howard suggested a motor boat rental.


Lake McDonald Lodge Fire 2017
Jalen set us up and had us on our way in no time.


Lake McDonald Lodge Fire 2017
Our room is on the second floor, a stone’s throw from the dock. The crowd is due to Labor Day weekend.


Lake McDonald Lodge Fire 2017
They close for the season in two days.


Lake McDonald Lodge Fire 2017
Yes, September 2, 2017…Howard rented the boat for two hours.


Lake McDonald Lodge Fire 2017
Heading 10 miles North to Lake McDonald Lodge to see it from the water. Jalen said it takes an hour.


Lake McDonald Lodge Fire 2017
Skipper Howard. Leaving Apgar behind.


Lake McDonald Lodge Fire 2017
The closer we got, the more our heart beats quickened. It started August 10 from a lightning strike.


We had margin in our schedule allowing for a cruise.

Howard’s idea provided a brand new experience for me.

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The first and only ones on the trail

Grinnell Glacier Overlook hike
First light from our balcony. Th middle dip is where we are heading.


Grinnell Glacier Overlook hike
Looking further right towards Logan Pass where our car is parked.


Grinnell Glacier Overlook hike
Heaven’s Peak untouched by sunlight, but only for a few more minutes.


Grinnell Glacier Overlook hike
Mt Gould in background. The Garden Wall foreground.


Grinnell Glacier Overlook hike
Hitting the trail at…7:20am…


Grinnell Glacier Overlook hike
Time stamp for start of hike.


Grinnell Glacier Overlook hike
Swiftcurrent Lookout Tower bathed in early morning Sun.


Grinnell Glacier Overlook hike
Good morning Granite Park Chalet.


Grinnell Glacier Overlook hike
On our way, but not before a “we were here” photo.


Grinnell Glacier Overlook hike
The Garden Wall framing up Mt. Gould.


Grinnell Glacier Overlook hike
Grinnell Glacier Overlook trail gains 1,000 feet elevation in about a mile.




Grinnell Glacier Overlook hike
Grinnell Glacier Overlook spur took us 21 minutes to get to from Granite.


Grinnell Glacier Overlook hike
Not many see this morning light angle from here.



Grinnell Glacier Overlook hike

Our Chalet in lower right.


Grinnell Glacier Overlook hike
iPhone 7 Plus has a great camera zoom.


Grinnell Glacier Overlook hike
Logan Pass is tucked somewhere in the left.


With three decent hikes the previous three days, and knowing our minimum hike (yesterday) was four miles down to the shuttle with a 2,200′ elevation loss (a different type of leg strain), we weren’t sure the additional three-plus miles (round trip) and 1,000′ up (and 1,000′ down) to Grinnell Glacier Overlook was in the cards for us.

It was.

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Disney friendly and telling stories

Three photos to sequeway from two days ago to yesterday…

Best Disney Keynote Speakers
Just a moment in time from two days ago.


Best Disney Keynote Speakers
Salamander Glacier and two yutes.


Best Disney Keynote Speakers
Howard captured me in my element – being Disney friendly and animated, telling stories.

Now, back to yesterday…

Glacier National Park
From Rising Sun Motor Inn and Cabins, we each made three PB&J sandwiches. For lunch on Highline Trail, for dinner at Granite Park Chalet yesterday, and for breakfast this morning.


Glacier National Park
This is how our first two mornings looked for me. This was about two hours before we made sandwiches.


Glacier National Park
During breakfast at Two Dog Flats, i checked Logan Pass parking lot via webcam and grabbed this screen shot.


Glacier National Park
Arriving just before 8:00am, we secured front row parking for last night and today.


Glacier National Park
The plan was to be on the trail around 8:00am.


Glacier National Park
Obligatory photo yesterday morning.


Glacier National Park
A second obligatory photo across the road from the other sign.


Glacier National Park
We will spend tonight at Granite Park Chalet.


Highline Trail
Closeup of yesterday’s destination.


Highline Trail
Five minutes into yesterday’s hike; just below the trail.


Highline Trail
On the trail heading our way.


Highline Trail


Highline Trail
Still pausing. It went to the right, above the trail, allowing us to safely pass.


Highline Trail
Looking back 200 meters to the Mountain Goat encounter.


Highline Trail
Howard and i spoke with many hikers. These guys were from Philly.


Highline Trail
Heading West.


Highline Trail
Probably Grizzly.


Highline Trail
Grizzlies eat a ton of huckleberries.


Highline Trail
The drop-off at certain places is steeper than this.


Highline Trail
Another stunning morning.


Yesterday’s Highline Trail hike began as planned at 8:00am after a nice breakfast at Two Dog Flats and the 20-minute drive up to Logan Pass.

The 7.5 mile hike began at 6,640 ‘ above sea level and finished just 10’ higher at Granite Park Chalet.

There were (stunning) climbs and descents. Lots of stops for pictures and conversation, as well as lunch.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

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You know the saying, “What a day”?

Yesterday. What a day. So amazing. Here’s the story in pictures…


Many Glacier Hotel
Breakfast required a 45-minute drive. Decent view.


Many Glacier Hotel
Howard reminded me of a Disney Cast Member…assertively friendly.


Many Glacier Hotel
Brand new staircase…back to the way it was when originally built in 1914.


Many Glacier Hotel
The fireplace is unique and awesome.


Many Glacier Hotel
The 8:30am shuttle departing. Ours launched at 9:00am.


Many Glacier Hotel
We will take the same route.


Many Glacier Hotel
We had a few extra minutes to walk around before boarding.


Many Glacier Hotel
All 49 tickets were sold for this cruise.


Many Glacier Hotel
Many Glacier Hotel from Swiftcurrent Lake.


Many Glacier Hotel
A “we were here” photo.


Many Glacier Hotel
Second boat shuttle on Lake Josephine. A 400-meter walk between lakes.


Many Glacier Hotel
Disembarking at the North end (up ahead) of Lake Josephine. Then the climb to Grinnell Glacier begins.


Surprised Howard with the boat shuttles which cut four miles off our foot travel.

Almost walked into a Big Horn Ram.

Saw two pieces of Glacier break off into the lake. The craCk sounded like thunder.

Saw a big Grizzly (through binoculars) and watched two groups of hikers come within feet of a bear encounter.

It was cool to see how uninterested the giant bear was in the humans.

Saw a Moose and her calf.

Literally a perfect day.

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If you want to stay on this site and read more posts from this Blog, click here.