And so it goes, mentally

Chief Mountain below the sun.

Plan on unexpected tests surprising and challenging you until you die. Plan on the same with blessings.


The gas bubble in my eyeball is half or just a little bit below half from the top. This is exactly what is supposed to happen.

However, the top half of my vision should be normal.

It is not.

It is blurry.

Cannot recognize my hand in front of me.

Why is this so?

Because there is blood in the eyeball.

There should not be but there is.

Now, we must wait for the body’s miraculous ability to remove the blood.

The best i can picture is a flesh wound that needs time to clear a scab.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

So excited

4-second video: One week, post operation follow up.

So excited to hear the feedback on the one-week, post-op evaluation.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Feels good mentally

Today is ‘only’ day four post eye-surgery.

Feels good though.


My attitude.

Not surprised by that.

Neither are you.

That feels good too.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

NOT Back to Glacier, mind

Florida landscape from a jet just after takeoff
Today would have been wheels up at 8:12 AM, heading back to Glacier after one week at home. Photo: 07/15/23…On July 16 hiked to Sperry Chalet for a three night stay. Then the next day, July 17…
Man next to a Glacier
Photo courtesy of Bill Going. “Jeff Noel at Sperry Glacier. 7/17/23”
Man next to a Glacier
Photo courtesy of Bill Going. “Jeff Noel at Sperry Glacier. 7/17/23”

Surrender is a super-power.


Am i disappointed that i’m not on a jet racing to Glacier National Park right now?



Because i’ve already spent a month hiking in Glacier this Summer.

Plus, this is the 11th consecutive Summer visiting.

No regret nor remorse from this Summer’s second visit being cancelled.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Post Operation followup, mind

Waiting room
Was asked to arrive by 11am. Arrived at 10am. Interstate traffic is unpredictable. Got called back at 11am, right on schedule.
18-second video: Almost 5am the day after eye surgery. Sitting on back porch.

Decades of moving to a peaceful core minimized anxiety. You know, the anxiety from picturing your eye ball punctured with needles while you’re awake.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.