Year 15

Disney figurine in mountains
Pixar’s Inside Out lead character, Joy. Also, our favorite flower, the common daisy.

Year 15.

Quietly making noise.

Quietly making noise for 14 consecutive years. The quiet continues today into uncharted territory, year 15.

Quietly making noise is a Jimmy Buffett song.

Quietly making noise is the long way.

Writer’s flood is to blame for all of this.

If i die tomorrow another 2/3 of a year will pass before five daily, differently-themed blog posts stops.

Core WordPress updates are automated. There are no other WordPress updates required. Website Hosting is paid for, with auto updates, for years to come.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

April Fools Day Eve, 2023

13-second video: Walt Disney World’s 43-square miles was once officially called EPCOT by Walt Disney. Only after Walt’s 1966 death did we rename EPCOT to Walt Disney World.

i do not know why i write every day. i only know i enjoy it and can’t help myself.


Walt was crazy to think his alligator, snake, and mosquito-infested Central Florida swampland could be transformed into the Vacation Capital of the World.

Yet here we are.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Worth the risk?

Bear danger sign posted on an orange traffic cone
Bear danger is real because so many visitors have no clue how to sensibly behave in the wild.

Worth the risk to publish 10 consecutive days of photo-free posts?



Because of the experiments from several months ago.


Posts with text only.

Posts with photos only.

Posts with videos only.

The original experiments where small risks at the time.

There was setup and “warning” about the coming changes.

Explained the “why”.

What seemed like a (small) risk at the time was simply a slow and steady way to improve.

Improve what?

Improve the ability to manage life and a daily, two-hour (average) writing commitment. And, the advent of some major life changes on the horizon.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Blastoff: April Fool, you are

Disney Employee engagement keynote speaker
Wow might be the understatement of the present moment. Photo: Santiago, Chile.

Prolific daily writing provides a blessed freedom from limited thinking.

Prolific daily writing transforms you with a world-class growth mindset.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

T-minus 1 – 14th year eve

post it note with balance and personal vibrancy
Doing impossible things makes you question other impossible things. And you continue to make impossible part of what you thrive on.

Thirteen years ago on March 31, 2009 some crazy “promise” began.

The promise to begin writing in the morning.

The promise to write five differently-themed blog posts, on five different websites.

The promise to write those five differently-themed posts every single day for 100 consecutive days.

Note: The previous record for 5-a-day was two days in a row. Pathetic.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.