Disney Institute customer service speaker notes. This format is perhaps the best i’ve ever created and delivered. Randomly stumbled on the photo and it inspired me in a way that heading back to Glacier (with full eyesight) inspires me.
Happy Thursday.
Two days from an airport trip.
Making progress on every front: mind, body, spirit, work, and hq.
Heading out for a humid, flatlander walk.
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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.
My favorite summit. The summit i’ve done the most times. The summit that has now become the first-summit tradition each summer. That snow pack in the middle. Hope it’s smaller by the weekend.
First, it’s getting real.
Days away.
Had a thought yesterday that if i blogged every day for two more years i would double the existing world-record for the most blog post by a single author.
Note: Not interested in a world record. Why? Because it doesn’t matter and no one will know, let alone care. And, it’s not like i’m gonna put it on my résumé for my next job interview. lol
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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.