Love this place. Love the simplicity. Stacked the used linens for easy removal, and hopefully, a small, “wow”. The 2021 Granite Park Chalet team. Morgan (front), Jean, Spencer, Logan. Portrait photos are better suited for mobile viewing. Most don’t move their device to landscape in their hand. McDonald Creek. Stopped on the drive to West Glacier. It was a first. It was Magical. The Garden Wall from McDonald Creek.

Saturday and Sunday. Labor Day weekend 2021. Covid-19 mask requirements, still. Hiked down from Granite Park Chalet mid-morning yesterday. Hung out at McDonald Creek. Drove back to West Glacier Motel, relaxed and got up early. Drove to Lake McDonald Lodge September 5 (today). Relaxing before sunrise. Writing (now) before the hike. Iconic Lake McDonald Lodge lobby. Grand fireplace. Sperry Chalet awaits. Two nights. Sleeping at 6,600’. Six miles deep and 3,400’ elevation gain. Reconnaissance. Love.
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