It will not work unless you have more of this than that…

de-cluttering life
our future ought to be easy to see… if we don’t de-clutter
de-cluttering life
remove the blinders… focus on the future by looking at your elders

Clearing clutter from our life is possible, but under one condition only. We have to want it more than we fear it. Remember, our first midlife crisis is discovered and conquered when our priorities change. If there is a second crisis, it’s because they didn’t.

If you have 20 more seconds, and liked this post, you’ll enjoy Four ways to get one in your wellness win column.

Midlife crisis is like this common office supply item

Where we’re headed or where we’ve come from?

which path in life we use is up to us
which path in life we use is up to us

A rubber band. And midlife crisis – the potentially life-defining moment when we have our greatest reminder to let go of life’s tension. We are stretched in two directions, the past and the future.

We know we shouldn’t continue on the road to self-destruction, but we know no other way. Only in letting go of one end of the rubber band does the tension stop. We can figure the rest out from here.

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Boomers, we need to (always) be prepared

Used to trim three dozen palm trees with a ladder and hand-saw. Hired someone to do it a few years back, to eliminate the risk of personal injury. Probably just a matter of time…

preparing for hurricane season

Boomers, we need to (always) be prepared. Crisis occurs when we are unprepared. Midlife is a huge rite of passage. We know this. And still, we find ourselves in deep water…

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