Is this worth repeating or is it too scary?

fear of living
the look on this Pet’s face is priceless… peace and contentment beyond compare


To fear death is to misunderstand life.

If we lived life unafraid of death, what would change?

Or is it that we don’t fear death as much as we fear changing into who we know we really want to be?

This month jeff noel is challenging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. To navigate instantly from this mental attitude blog to his physical health blog, click -> go to Next Blog


How will we change the way we think this year?

Trees grow tall one year at a time
Trees grow tall one year at a time

How will we change the way we think this year? Do we need to change? Do we want to change? Have we for a long time? What will be different this year?

Not moving forward because it will take too long is interesting. The time will pass anyway, so why not start with the intention of never stopping. Ever. Again.

Next Blog


Live from New York…

Live from New York

Blogging is still exciting because WordPress (and Apple) keep making it easier to do. Anywhere. Anytime. Like right now on the New York City subway.

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Today’s mental mantra

do it anyway

I don’t think it’s healthy for pregnant women to smoke… (she was)…

Today’s mental mantra:

No matter what you believe, some will like it and some will not.

To read today’s physical mantra click next Blog


What’s your attitude on this educational challenge?

paradox in education

A child is involved in something that demands teacher, faculty, and parent intervention. Some ruckus with another child.

Do you punish the child for the ruckus in an effort to quell future incidents? Do you celebrate a child’s honesty in telling exactly what happened without trying to hide details?

Is the aim compliance, or is the aim developing honesty?

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