October 1, 2017 and top of mind thoughts this morning are:
- Slept two and a half hours past normal wakeup until 7:20am. Rare.
- Remember swearing years ago i’d never take a late flight home from Glacier. Did it last night. Rare. “Desperate”.
- Trip was “too short”.
- While it was tempting to feel remorseful for having to leave, i had to work harder than normal (but not very long…maybe 10 seconds) to channel my energy into being so incredibly blessed to have had this opportunity.
- Happy 46th birthday Walt Disney World and Magic Kingdom.
- Happy 35th birthday Epcot.
- Looking forward to opening a box today at Epcot – sent from China.
- Leaning more heavily toward spending double the time at Glacier next Summer. Four-plus weeks instead of two-plus weeks.
- Spent more time (still a drop in the bucket compared to heavy users) on Facebook since i am posting Glacier photos and videos.
- Getting closer to making a decision on a post to share how the real battle from the onlookers isn’t with politics, it’s with the CEO of their life.
- The reality of my 10-year goal to do everthing i want to do before time is up – i only have one more Summer – June 8, 2019 is the “deadline”.
- i wonder what older members of my Family want, if anything, from me.
Writing is good for my health.
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