Guest blogger Lorie Sheffer: Forgiveness, step 11 – Identity shift

closeup photo of butterfly
Float (softly) like a butterfly (photo: Lorie Sheffer)


Become the person you wish to be.

We’ve probably all known or heard of a person who is harsh and maybe a bit intimidating or hard to enjoy. We’ll often hear a comment from someone close to that person, along the lines of, “Oh… but he has such a soft side!” or “She really can be sweet when she wants to be!” Notice how, when this person shows that soft side, their face and  body language relaxes, they smile more and they seem generally happier.

Move toward your soft, loving inner self.

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Three obvious things about attitude on the Big Island

Hulu dancers and Aloha shirts mean only one thing - welcome to Hawaii
Hulu dancers and Aloha shirts mean only one thing – welcome to Hawaii


Three obvious things about attitude on the Big Island:

1. It’s incredibly exciting to visit for the first time.

2. Historical marketing did a great job of painting the romantic stereotype.

3. It’s insanely refreshing to realize it’s different, but the same as everywhere else.

Traveling the world, it really does ring true…

There is just one moon and one golden sun and a smile means friendship to everyone. There’s so much that we share, that it’s time we’re aware… it’s a small world after all…

Have an awesome Saturday.

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I write knowing it could go either way

Hilo Hawaiian lobby is where the Hawaii writing gets done
Hilo Hawaiian lobby is where the Hawaii writing gets done


All posts are created fresh each and every morning, and this post was written in real time, in Hawaii, with four other posts – no different from any other day. The main goal of these blogs is to leave a trail for our Son (12) in case something bad ever happens to me.

Many of you know this and it’s important to keep that vision in the forefront.

A life guide so to speak. Our Son may never read these posts. Or he may treasure them and re-read the ones he likes best.

I write knowing it could go either way.

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Midlife and the art of doing the impossible

Seth Godin excerpt about making art
Making art hurts because it’s scary when it’s done in ways that aren’t normal


Thank you Donna Flanagin for sharing this…

Have seen the final sentence as a famous quote, but never in the whole context presented here:

Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing. (unsure of source)


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