Australia Day 3, mind

River from balcony
Good morning (5:03 AM) from Australia.
River from balcony
Still 5:03 AM…10 minutes away from sunrise.
apple compass
Pointing the compass straight out from our balcony is due East. The longest day of Australia’s year was exactly a month ago.Summer solstice the sun is due East. The sunrise this morning should be slightly to the right or left.
sun rise
Tah-dah! (5:14 AM)
River from balcony
iPhone 15 Pro Max at 25x zoom.
iPhone 15 Pro Max at normal, 1x zoom.
two people on balcony at sunrise
Hot and humid even at sunrise. Exactly like Florida’s Summers.
7-second video: Pre-sunrise, 5:04 AM.

There are exceptions to nearly every rule.


Our first Pacific Ocean sunrise was stealthily disguised.

Disguised as an ordinary sunrise.


But until yesterday, we’ve only seen Pacific Ocean sunsets, never sunrises.

In the sun’s quick-to-disappear disguise, i smiled at the unique (and kinda glorious) juxtaposition.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

By jeff noel

Retired Disney Institute Keynote Speaker and Prolific Blogger. Five daily, differently-themed personal blogs (about life's 5 big choices) on five interconnected sites.