Copy all you want

“I’m going to Disney World.”
Birds eye view.
”I went to Disney World.”

You can copy quotes, but you can’t copy originality.

You can copy goals, but you can’t copy discipline.

You can copy ideas, but you can’t copy execution.

You can copy answers, but you can’t copy deep understanding.

You can copy other’s thinking, but you can’t copy thinking for yourself.

Rejoice in your originality.

Rejoice in your initiative.

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i can’t mentally do it for you

Father and Son at Epcot
Yesterday at lunchtime.


i can’t mentally do it for you.

Someday, and i hope it doesn’t take you the 40 years it took me to figure it out, you’ll want to sell yourself on the fact that you are the CEO of You, Inc.

When you stop looking for others to change your circumstances and admit it’s your sole responsibility, your transformation will take place in a way you could have never believed possible.

Have fun with it.

Enjoy it.


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This website is about our mental attitude. To easily leave this site to read today’s post on jeff’s physical health website, click here.