Work life balance is profoundly simple and simply profound

I think the thing that throws such a staggering curve ball at the human race is the fact that the most important concepts – like balance – are deceptively elementary.

Work life balance is profoundly simple and simply profound:


Three life altering wellness questions to ask ourselves and to inspire us are here.


Anyone else sick of searching for the secrets to work life balance?

Anyone else sick of searching for the secrets to work life balance? No, seriously. Got so tired of looking for the silver bullet that I just decided to do something drastic.

Can we get a “Hell yeah” for going radical?

Drastic. Radical. Last resort. Ultimatum.

Please help me help my stupid self.

Went off the deep end and decided to… figure it out myself.

So yeah, I write five different blogs everyday. The next one is only for folks who believe they deserve to be healthy… click here.

Nothing wrong with money, status, and power

work life balance hand drawn diagram
work life balance is mind-body-spirit-money-hq


Yesterday’s post was way too long. Back to basics this morning. A short, pithy post is a 10-30 second read, with thought-provoking ripple effects, which on a good day, last all day, or a lifetime.


Balance doesn’t get any clearer, nor more comprehensive, than this.

* * * * *

This month jeff noel is challenging Mid Life Celebration readers to follow all five daily blogs about work life balance. To navigate instantly from this mental attitude blog to his physical health blog, click -> go to Next Blog


The world needs someone to lead a fresh approach to work life balance

life is a special occasion
we don’t know what we have until it’s too late

The world needs someone to lead a fresh approach to work life balance. Not a popular approach, although it could be, a common sense, stripped-down look at the real basics.

What I’ve concluded from decades of observation and an unrelenting desire to figure it out, is that humans dislike the hard work that is required for wellness.

Sad but true. And for the minority (that’s you) that yearn for truth (and validity), this story continues at the Next Blog


Do you know how many definitive elements work life balance involves?

ineffective corporate wellness programs
the people promoting this ought to be fired

Do you know how many definitive elements work life balance involves?

You have an answer for this right?

If you don’t, I’m embarrassed for you, like I was embarrassed for myself for 40 years.

If you do, be bold enough to stand and testify. Let your lifestyle be your “case study”.

Next Blog

Note: Dare to be unpopular. It’s the gold-standard for breaking poor paradigms.