Eye surgery followup, mind

Doctor office lobby
i love visiting Doctor Offices. At this one now, as i write this post.

i love visiting Doctor Offices.


To learn.

Growth mindset.

Such an amazingly better choice than anxiety.

Common sense and BFO’s are well known.

Note to self: Never be a stranger to common sense and BFO’s. In fact, be married to them.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Too good, mentally

Red periwinkle flowers
Periwinkles are in our top three flowers.

The ultimate positive thinking is confident, courageous, and personal.


It’s easy for me to forget how critical it is strive for all five of life’s big choices to be operating at my highest levels.


Because i’m on auto-pilot.

No thought whatsoever.

Everything matters.

Nothing is optional.

Note: Not perfect. Compared to previous versions of myself, doing much better than the older versions. Wisdom comes from experience. Experience comes from making mistakes.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

What’s the difference?

Facebook post about Pixar’s up house being built Southwest United States
Facebook post about Pixar’s Ellie and Carl’s house being built in Southwest United States. What is the difference between Disney Imagineers building it versus a non-Disney entity?

Are you using your own homemade life-recipe or something off-the-shelf?


The photo above and the content below are unconnected specifically but are connected coincidentally.

What’s the difference” is gonna have many answers.

Unique, stand-alone answers. (my fav)

Standard, predictable answers. (status quo)

And answers intended to be unique but most know they aren’t. (posing)

Bold statements?

Not to me.

(here comes the leap)

And isn’t that the beauty of your home’s kitchen?

You can cook and create whatever you want.

Especially when you are eating alone. Then it doesn’t matter if anyone likes your cooking.

Happy present moment.

Note: Writing has been especially fun and personally insightful the past few days. Will unpack this insight in today’s next four posts.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Growth-mindset thesis

Peanut sprouting from ground
A random peanut from our neighbor’s bird feeder placed here by an animal.

i view everything as an opportunity. i’m keen on doing impossible things.


It’s not lost on me that some day i may meet my match and get crushed by a debilitating life event that i never saw coming.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

Improving summaries, mentally

Autographed book by Disney Speaker jeff noel
Cheryl asked me to give our house guest a ‘signed’ copy, so i did.

Growth mindset is the foundation for personal vibrancy.


If Disney ran your life, you’d have to set all your bars (mind, body, spirit, work, home) to the highest level.

Everything is important.

Nothing is optional.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.