Of all the liars in the world

Disney's Progressland
Progressland never happened as an actual place. But in reality, every day at Disney and in our own life is progress land – if we enjoy continuous learning.


Of all the liars in the world, sometimes the worst are our own fears.  — Rudyard Kipling

Fear is progress’s greatest enemy.


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Wisdom and excellence are friends, not family

Aristotle quote about excellence and habits
Yesterday morning.


Wisdom is doing today what won’t make a difference until later.

Wisdom is also leaving undone that which doesn’t matter, even when it seems so.

Excellence at something that isn’t your highest calling isn’t wisdom.

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Be brutally honest with this person at all costs?

Quote about telling the truth
The first person we want to be brutally honest with is ourself


Be brutally honest with this person at all costs?

First and foremost, ourselves.

Yes, at all costs.

Take no prisoners.

Be careful with everyone else though.

It can have the reverse effect.

Pain. Intimidation. Self-righteousness. Narcissist. Zealot.

Let the fear of being condemned and labeled be the cross you bear.

Eventually, you’ll come to realize what they think is pointless.

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Who dat?

cutoff jean shorts
To feel great in a pair of cut-off jean shorts is bliss


People travel to wonder at the height of mountains, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars; and they pass by themselves without wondering. -St. Augustine

Knowing others is a decent indicator of emotional health yet knowing ourselves is the definitive sign of wisdom.

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