Nearly every employee knows what tomorrow is

Blue sky
Blue, clear sky the first week of April delights everyone


Nearly every employee of the 60k+ knows what tomorrow is. Disneyland’s 59th birthday. Flying to Winnipeg as this is typed (April 7) with Saving Mr. Banks the in-flight movie.

“…if any of you start resting on your laurels, I mean just forget it, because…we are just getting started.” – Walt Disney

The toughest job we will ever love is the one where we are true to ourselves. Only then will magic happen. And yes, MLC is just getting started.

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Cop a Boomer attitude towards death Steve Jobs style?

Mid Life Celebration book at Epcot's Norway with Troll
Life is not a dress rehearsal – Mid Life Celebration embraces this notion


Cop a Boomer attitude towards death Steve Jobs style? Yes, try this one on for size:

Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. – Steve Jobs

We know this.

Live, before you die. This ain’t a practice round.

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Maybe Everyone Else Is Wrong

Lane 8, Impossible?
Lane 8, Impossible?

“When everybody tells you that you are being idealistic or impractical, consider the possibility that everybody could be wrong about what is right for you.”Gilbert Kaplan

Mid Life Change Eh?

“To be human is to change.  To be perfect is to change often.” Henry Newman

Heard this last Sunday at Church.  It resonated. I immediately wrote it down, because it reminds me what I’m trying to say at Mid Life Celebration.

Mid Life Celebration, or as some say, mid life crisis, is a time to:

  1. Rethink
  2. Reprioritize
  3. Recommit

The above three also happen to be the tag line here at Mid Life Celebration, which is two years old now.

That’s all it is. Do those three. And then start the process over again.

PS.  The domain name is two years old, but I’ve been using the phrase in a variety of ways for 11 years, since my mid life crisis celebration began.