GNP Day 34, mentally

Mountains at sunrise
Sunrise has already happened on The Great Plains. The Great Plains can be seen from the ridge, aka the Continental Divide.
Mountains at sunrise
It takes a while for the Sun to climb high enough to overcome the Continental Divide’s “wall”.
Mountain chalet at sunrise
It’s been daylight for hours. But we haven’t yet seen the Sun.

Such a blessing to be with the one you love the most — in a wild place that you have known for nearly 50 years. And Cheryl has known it for 40.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

GNP Day 33, mentally

Car navigation display
5:31 AM, 46 degrees, West Glacier…
Turn navigation display
40 minutes later, 50 degrees, arriving at parking lot (The Loop) and snagged an empty parking spot.
5-second video: Making PBJ sandwiches for the trail. Heaven’s Peak out the windshield.
Small parking lot
Maybe 15 spaces total. Daylight arrives early.
Apple Watch and person hiking
After an hour in the car, we hit the trail.

Number one employee perk?

A common purpose with structure and processes to live that purpose every day, all day.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

GNP Day 32, mentally

Car navigation system
Time (AM) and temp. Reconnaissance. Drive 40 minutes to The Loop. Check parking capacity for the 18-car parking lot.

Simplicity is operational genius. whether you run a department, company, or your own life, you are running an operation.

Caution with oversimplification. Einstein said, “make things as simple as possible…but not simpler.”  

The sculptor Brancusi shared, “Simplicity is complexity resolved”. 

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

GNP Day 31, mentally

12-second video: 9:00 AM…This lasted six hours without a break. No idea where all the cars go. Glacier doesn’t have many roads.

The goodness from being mentally focused and disciplined will overwhelm you if you trust it.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.

GNP Day 30, mentally

Ashberry tree berries
West Glacier Post Office. Ashberry Tree berries. A UPS box shipped from Orlando is missing. It may be here at the Post Office, but it’s Labor Day weekend so ”hurry up and wait”.

The goodness from being positive will overwhelm you if you trust it.

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This website is about our MIND. To read today’s post about our BODY, click here.